Blockchain Application (Backend) Engineer

Tue,25 Dec 2022 - 11:45

Blockchain Application (Backend) Engineer

About Us

DeGate is a ZK-Rollup Order Book DEX built on Ethereum. Unlike traditional Automated Market Makers (AMM), it enables spot trading with limit orders for hundreds of tokens while users self-custody their assets. DeGate has no fees for Maker orders and very low fees for Taker orders. It also offers distinctive trading features — decentralized grid strategy and DCA Bot.

DeGate has achieved the highest possible Stage 2 rank in maturity on

We Want You

We are looking for individuals who are keen to join our group of talented project contributors. You are someone who:

  • has an immense interest in blockchain-related technology
  • well on your way to being a Crypto-Native
  • has an insatiable thirst for growth and learning,
  • is keen to build and grow together with the industry

What you\'ll be doing

  • Develop and maintain various systems related to an Exchange.
  • Maintaining the trade engine for matching transactions.
  • Capture and maintain multi-chain data.

What you\'ll need

  • Self-starter, focused on achieving outcomes and enjoys learning.
  • Strong competence in algorithmic and programming skills, particularly with Go Programming Language, Go goroutine, Golang Channel & Golang Lock.
  • 3 years and above Go / Java development experience.
  • Experience with database operations such as kafka, MySQL and Redis.
  • Preferable experience with developing Trading related systems and products.
  • Good command of the Chinese language would be required due to exposure to documents in such medium.

根据银保监会等五部门于 2018 年 8月发布《关于防范以「虚拟货币」「区块链」名义进行非法集资的风险提示》的文件, 请广大公众理性看待区块链,不要盲目相信天花乱坠的承诺,树立正确的货币观念和投资理念,切实提高风险意识;对发现的违法犯罪线索,可积极向有关部门举报反映。