XChange Best of Breed

2024-10-14 10:00 - 10-15 19:00
地址: Atlanta, GA

The Best of Breed (BoB) Conference meets the evolving needs of the IT channel’s largest, fastest-growing, and most progressive solution provider organizations and the top technology vendors and distributors. An invitation-only event, the BoB Conference brings together 100+ attendees from CRN’s elite solution provider lists ─ Solution Provider 500, Tech Elite 250 and Fast Growth 150 ─ to connect and engage over the course of 2 days. The in-person event features empowering CEO interviews, SP 500 solution provider spotlights, economic and market trend sessions, executive panel discussions and briefings, and peer-to-peer networking.

根据银保监会等五部门于 2018 年 8月发布《关于防范以「虚拟货币」「区块链」名义进行非法集资的风险提示》的文件, 请广大公众理性看待区块链,不要盲目相信天花乱坠的承诺,树立正确的货币观念和投资理念,切实提高风险意识;对发现的违法犯罪线索,可积极向有关部门举报反映。